Oh my word! It has been forever since I have blogged, I almost forgot how, haha! Well here is an update of whats been going on with us. We are staying here for the summer, in Maine. Adam is working with this guy in our ward doing remodeling in houses. He also has an interview with this sports store this Thursday as well working part time. He is also wanting to take a crash course for EMT out here this summer. Its about 10hrs a day for a week and half, we are trying to find out more about that. Cause he wants to have some kind of skill before we go back to Utah and before he starts school in the fall. Alaya is having fun playing outside and with the dog and cat. All of a sudden about a week ago she started having accidents in her pants again. She just gets so distracted with playing and everything she forgets. It is driving me crazy though!!! Oh well I guess give it more time!! She goes on walks with us in the woods, its about 3 miles up and down hills. She loves it and it also wears her out! She is also at the great 2 and half stage of just not listening and throwing her fun tantrums. I am doing good I just got 2 callings in our new ward here in Maine. I am going to be the Valiant 10 teacher and in achievement days for 8-11 year old girls. Yeah I am the only one doing both of these callings. So my weeks with just be about planning lessons and things to do. So I will be pretty busy with that. The weather here is becoming way nice, today it is in the 80's. Everything is blooming and the air smells like summer! I love it!!! Well we hope all is well and I will keep u updated more because I found out I am able to bring our laptop to the library!! They have High Speed and wireless here!! yay!!!
2 days ago