Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A year and half.

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Most of you may know that Adam and I have been trying for a year and half now on getting prego with our 2nd. Well I finally went to the Doctor last October to see what is wrong. Well he found a cyst and then said I might have endometriosis (which my mom and sister has both had). Well I never went to get a ultra sound to see if I did have endometriosis, I just kept telling myself that It would happen when the Lord thinks it is best. Well after the long year and half of waiting we ARE FINALLY PREGO!! When we got out here to Maine I wasn't feeling so well and then I also missed my period (I kept good track of when I was suppose to start and so forth). I have had my period late for about 3 weeks before so I was very hesitant to take a test cause I thought it was just another cyst stopping my period from coming. But I there was still that lil part of me wanting to take a test. haha! So I went to the store, got two tests, came home took it and sure enough it was positive. I will be 12 weeks on Sunday. I started bleeding about a week and half ago. So Adam took me to the ER and they did a ultra sound and checked everything out and everything looks good and the baby looks healthy so far.They were so nice and gave us a few pictures of our baby. So I had my first doctors apt a week ago and I am due Dec 15. We are very excited and are looking forward to what we are gonna have. That is our big news for now!!!!


Jodi and Jason said...

Yea! Crystal, I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!!

Alicia said...

Yay...Congrats! We are so excited for you & can't wait to find out what you are having also! Gavin can have a playmate now!

Felisha said...

Yippy Yeah!!! It is exciting to have another baby!!! I can't wait to find out what you are having! I say it is a boy but a girl would be so awesome as well! :) Love you and miss you!

Heidi Joncas said...

How fun!! Congrats! It is hard to have to wait for such a wonderful blessing. We were in the same boat as you. 2 years later we have our new baby. Definitely worth the wait.

r said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, CRYSTAL!! I'm soooo happy for you guys! That is so exciting!! Have you told Alaya? Or do you think you'll wait until you know what you're having? Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you! I hope you're feeling good :)

Unknown said...

Woot!! I have been waiting for your announcement forever!!!! Look at that tiny little thing. I'm just so excited!

Fullerton Family said...

Congratulations!!!! How very exciting for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Yay Congrats Crystal!!

Diana said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!

Melissa said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!

Ashley Nicole Designs said...

Crystal I am so excited for you!!! Congrats!

Leslie said...

congrats!! That is sooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

I am so so happy for you guys! congrats sweetie! Love you guys and miss ya!

Ike and Bethany said...

Congrats, thats exciting!

ashley said...

congrats to you both! it's all definitely on the Lord's timing - I second that one. :) hope you feel better soon!