Alright I'm totally excited about this!!! One Sunday at Church I was walking through the halls and I saw this girl, that looked soo familiar but had no idea where I knew her from. I was sitting in Sunday School just thinking over and over. Then it HIT ME!! The girl was off "So You Think You Can Dance 2008". Her name is Chelsie Hightower. I see her every Sunday and every time I walk by her I just want to tell what a good dancer she is and I'm a big fan of her. HAHA!! She was one of my favorites and she was in the top 10, I believe. But I'm too chicken I guess to say anything to her. WHAT WOULD YOU DO??? Here is her picture!! I'm not a stocker really, It is just soo cool to see someone in person that I watch on TV for practically the whole summer!! haha!!!
Crystal, Did you know her brother is in the Lakeridge 3rd ward? They must have moved in after you left. It is kind of cool, our little clain to fame. Funny, huh? Anyway, I enjoy reading your blog.
Happy New Year!
I would totally say hi to her!!! She was my favorite & I wanted her to win!
HAHAHA STALKER!!!! JK They are such a cute family huh!
Thanks for all your comments. We are working on watching all the Office episodes, we are on the 3rd season, but we haven't seen the 1st season yet. I love reading your blog. it's so great to be able to keep up with your life even though we are in different states!
I would totally say something to her. She was an amazing dancer!
Like Nancy said her brother is in our ward now, they about to have a new baby in Feb. They live right behind Jake and I. You should say something. I'm sure she'd love it. You may gain a new friend if you just speak up you know.
Ok, this is what you do... Just start talking to her at church. make sure Alaya is there cuz she'll think that she is so cute, and that will break the ice for conversation. Soon, you will become great friends! That's when you invite me over when she is coming over. Pretty soon we all become like triple BFF's. Then she can get me the scoop on what I need to do to get on SUTUCD 2009! Work on that, ok Crystal?
oh well nancy and ty beat me to it- but you totally have a connection with her brother being in our ward now. I LOVED HER on SYTYCD. I told her brother Chris that every time I saw him for weeks. I stopped because I think it was getting annoying- but shes so cute and good. You HAVE to say something to her!!
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