SOOOOO after battling back and forth with Sharp TV and Keith's TV, to figure out whether or not they are gonna be able to fix my TV under warranty, I finally got them to fix it under warranty!! I'm sooo happy because it was gonna be like $300 to fix it if the warranty wasn't gonna cover it. It is been 2 weeks now since I broke my TV. No TV has been good but it also has been really hard for me cause I just love having the TV on even if I'm not watching cause I like noise in my house. So the good news for the day is my TV got fixed!
Also I was thinking when I got prego with Alaya I was getting a lot of massages a week and that was help a lot cause it got rid of all my stress. So I was thinking that my sister and I should do trade massages just to see if that will help me not be so stressed out so I can hopefully get prego in the next few months! So I got an awesome massage from her today. I feel great! I'm gonna sleep soo good tonight and I can't wait to take a warm bath, after the office and finish the 4th book of the twilight series.
The other day Adam said some thing to me that SHOCKED me!!! He asked me "Crystal would you do something for me even if it hurts me but it is really good for me?" At first I thought it hurts you? Then I said but it's good for you? I was very confused. I said "sure, what is it?". Adam said " will you sell my XBOX for me". I replied with "WHAT??????" I was even more confused, cause seriously some times I think he might love that thing more than me. JK haha! But I grant his wishes and I'M SELLING IT!!! I hope it sells fast so he can't be tempted to play it while it waits here for someone to buy it. So if anyone wants it, it is an ELITE XBOX, Its not like the regular XBOX, this one has 120GB instead of 20GB and it does a lot more. He also has 17 games, wireless blue tooth, 1 black controller, and then a battery charger. With everything its way over 1,000 but I just am selling it for $650 OBO.It's all less than a year old. It needs to be gone by the time he gets home on sat haha! He said "I guess the first part of being healed from my addiction is noticing that I have a problem".I am so proud of Adam for giving up his XBOX to focus more on his work. I'm sure he will get another one someday but I'm grateful that he realizes it and wants to do that for Alaya and I.I know how hard it is really hard for him. I love him!!!And now I know he loves ME MORE! haha!!I'm sure maybe some of you wives can relate?
2 days ago
How funny about the x-box. Jer sold his about 5 months ago and has been going though withdrawals. But he just happened to figure out how to get another one. So you maybe able to sell it but it never gets out of their system. X-boxes are never really gone.
Well I'm with you on the game thing, my husband is a computer geek. at least we are widows to the computer/xbox and not to sports. lol, well Glad to hear about the TV situation being cleared up, way to work those fast talkin' salesmen. you go girl.
Oh how I wish your husband could talk to mine and help him realize his addiction. Maybe I will just fake a break in and pretend they only stole the xbox! Well congrats on getting rid of yours, I hope I will be able to say the same someday.
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